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Difference between medical protective mask and N95 mask


Do you know the difference between medical protective mask and N95 mask? Here is a brief introduction of the medical protective mask of Hebei Baota Medical Equipment Co., Ltd
Generally speaking, N95 mask is not the same as medical protective mask.


N95 mask only indicates that N95 filter material is used, and the filtration efficiency of non oily dust particles can meet the requirements of N95, which is not necessarily a medical protective mask. National Institute of occupational health (NIOSH) classifies respirators into three series of N, P and R respirators according to filter media. Each series of respirators is further divided into three levels according to filtration efficiency: 95. 0%、99。 0%、99。 97% (referred to as 95, 99, 100), a total of 9 categories of filter media. N means that the material is only suitable for filtering non oily dust; 95 means that the filtration efficiency is at least 95. 0%。

From the CDC website, we can see that there are more than ten kinds of N95 masks produced by 3M company, but only 1860 and 9132 are medical protective masks.

During the SARS period, the N95 masks reserved and used by many medical and health institutions in China were all white 8210 masks, which were used for occupational dust protection, not medical protective masks.

The medical protective mask means that the filtering effect of the mask should meet the N95 requirement (for non oil 0. The filtration efficiency of 3 nm particles is not less than 95%. At the same time, it should meet the requirements of medical protection, such as surface moisture resistance, synthetic blood blocking performance and so on. At present, the standard of medical protective masks in China is GB 19083-2010. The standard specifies the appearance, size, nose clip, filtration efficiency, airflow resistance, penetration and barrier performance of synthetic blood, surface moisture resistance, flame retardant performance, skin irritation, identification and other performance of medical protective masks. According to the filtration efficiency of non oily particles, medical protective masks are divided into three grades.

The corresponding grades are: Grade 1: filtration efficiency & 95%, grade 2: filtration efficiency & gt; 99%, grade 3: filtration efficiency & gt; 99. 97%。

To sum up, N95 mask only refers to the mask with 95% filtration efficiency for non oily particles. There are different types of masks, which are suitable for dust protection and medical protection respectively. In addition to the requirement of 95% filtration efficiency for non oily particles, the medical protective mask also has the requirements of synthetic blood barrier performance and surface moisture resistance, that is, it can prevent blood and body fluid from being sprayed, which is suitable for the occupational protection of medical staff in the medical environment.

The above is the difference between medical protective mask and N95 mask. The explanation of medical protective mask manufacturer hopes to help you!





ADD:Dingzhou Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province.

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